Child Study Teams

Home - Egg Harbor Township School District

Child Study Team


The Child Study Team (CST) is composed of School Psychologists, School Social Workers and Learning Disability Teacher Consultants; at the Pre-school level, Speech and Language Specialists are also a part of the team. 

There are CST members in each building; the primary role of a team member is to ensure the success of the students they case manage. To determine if a student is eligible for special education services and programs, identified students must be evaluated by one of the district’s Child Study Teams. Before any testing may begin, the parents must meet with the Child Study Team to determine the educational needs of the student and provide consent. Initial Child Study Team evaluations may include a social history, a learning evaluation, and a psychological evaluation.

Other evaluations (neurological, psychiatric, speech, etc.) may also be appropriate. After the evaluations are complete the results are shared with the parents. Parents must then agree to permit their child to be classified as eligible for special education and related services. A special education program may not commence for any child without initial parental consent for placement in a special education program. Individual Education Programs (IEP’s) are formulated if a child is determined to be eligible for special education and related services. A Child Study Team case manager is assigned to each special education student and monitors the student’s progress and the effectiveness of the Individual Education Program. 

The IEP team, consisting of the parent, the student (if appropriate), general education teacher, special education teacher, and the Child Study Team case manager meet for the annual review/revision of the educational program. Students are required to be educated in the least restrictive environment to meet their educational needs.


For more information, please contact the CST secretary at the respective school:


Swift-Slaybaugh Complex

Katelyn Andersen

(609) 927-8222 ext. 1273 [email protected]

Davenport Complex

Patricia Warren

(609) 645-3550 ext. 1380 [email protected]


Miller School

Dianna Ricci

(609) 407-2500 ext. 2370 [email protected]

Fernwood Middle School

Joann Wehrhan

(609) 383-3355 ext. 1570 [email protected]

Alder Avenue Middle School

Jennifer Kearney

(609) 383-3366 ext. 1470 [email protected]


EHT High School 

Dianna Barling
(609) 653-0100 ext. 2670
[email protected]

Deana Battisti

(609) 653-0100 ext. 1670 [email protected]